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It is neither about me,
Nor that it is about you.
Life is a process of self-discovery,
Together, we grow through to be.


Hi, I am Linh 🙏
Welcome to Blissful Nature,
a little place on the web for discussions on yoga and holistic wellness practice.

Yoga found its way into my life in the Spring of 2017, when a friend introduced me to CorePower Yoga and asked me to come to a class with her. CorePower Yoga's mission at the time was to "show the world the life-changing things that happen when you root an intensely physical practice in the mindfulness of yoga”. Their classes were an instant click to what I needed most: a practice that could help me stay physically active and mentally spacious. I fell in love, not only with the practice but also with the version of myself, through such practice, began to emerge. Plus, I was (and still am) a fan of equipment-free activities, and CorePower Yoga classes seemed to fit in perfectly - all I needed "to yoga" was the willingness to stay present. I started to come to class more frequently and eventually decided to pursue more knowledge about the practice through their teacher training programs. 

Fast forward to today, I can confidently say that I still love a good sweaty practice of yoga poses (asana), though my appreciation for yoga has gotten deeper in a philosophical sense. Now, yoga to me is no longer defined by just a 60-minute session of morphing my body into yoga poses every day. It is a lifestyle, a living culture, a belief system, a way of life, and an invitation for self-reflection and self-discovery; it opens a window into what I am, and what I have the potential to become. In the embrace of the practice, I get to play, challenge, push through, grow, cry, smile, wobble, fall, laugh, rest, stand up, try again, and ground in the blissfulness of my being.

I created Blissful Nature to share with you my yoga practice and the lessons on holistic wellness that I learned along the way. You will soon discover through the content of this site that my physical yoga practice has largely been influenced by the power vinyasa style - creative, functional, and (mostly) intense, my ethical practices and philosophical views align mostly with Patanjali's Yoga Sutras on the Eight-limb Path and the Buddha's teaching about the Middle Way, and my spiritual practices involve meditation and connecting to nature. 


I think the world needs more blissful beings and I hope you'll join in on the movement.

Be well,



“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”

Søren Kierkegaard.

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